Arulmigu Shiva Shankara Jaya Kailasa Muneeswarar Peetham temple is managed by a non-profit organization registered with Registrar of Societies as Persatuan Penganut Sri Arulmigu Muneeswarar Alayam (Reg. No. 2393/96). The temple has been carrying out many religious and social activities to benefit the Hindu community residing around the vicinity.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Story of toy maker who caught thief

Once there lived a man who was good toy maker. He made many toys for Navarathiri to keep the toys in nine steps. One day he made many toys and he went home. His name was Mons King Barrel.  His wife name was Louis Queen Kond and they had two children.  The girl name is Stenc Queen Mond and the boy name Bond King Skemd.  His family was a very good family.  And one day Mons King Barrel saw a man.  He looked like a good man. But he was not a good man.  His name was Sbinked.  

Mons King Barrel liked Sbinked very much.  One day Sbinked planned to steal all the toys from Mons King Barrel. One day Mons King Bareel told Sbinked " You take care of my shop". Sbinked told "Yes, my dear friend, surely I will take care of your shop". 

The Sbinked asked "My dear friend. Where are you going?.  The Mons King Barrel, answered "I am going to house to take another load of toys".  Then Sbinked thinked " Ha! Ha! Mons King Barrel is having lot of toys and he had two vehicles.  I will steal the toys and the vehicles" and said "Yes, Yes, I will take care of your shop, you don't worry", the Sbinked said. 

"Thank you, my dear friend", said Mons King Barrel and he went.  The Sbinked tool a vehicle and put all the toys, covered with plastic sheet.  In the other vehicle, he kept some more toys and he called his brother.  He told to his brother “My dear brother, you drive one vehicle and I will drive the other vehicle.  Let us take it home".  And they went to their home.  

Mons King Barrel came back to his shop.  He saw someone took his toys and went.  Mons King Barrel informed the police that someone stole his toys.  

The Police caught the thief.  The thief was Sbinked and his brother.  

Mons King Barrel was very angry with Sbinked and his brother.  Then his wife said "Look, I told you that Sbinked and his brother were not good persons.  But, you did not listen to me.  Now, see what had happened?”

Mons King Barrel said, "I am sorry, that I did not listen to your words".  

Mons King Barrel became an important person of the city because, in the whole city, no one could catch Sbinked and his brother.  They became very happy.

Then the Sbinked and his brother thought, we would not steal from my friend and we made a mistake.  We are foolish.

Moral of the story: We should not steal from other and we have to be friendly with others.

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