Arulmigu Shiva Shankara Jaya Kailasa Muneeswarar Peetham temple is managed by a non-profit organization registered with Registrar of Societies as Persatuan Penganut Sri Arulmigu Muneeswarar Alayam (Reg. No. 2393/96). The temple has been carrying out many religious and social activities to benefit the Hindu community residing around the vicinity.

Wednesday 24 June 2015


Aum Namah Shivaya.....

What is Thiruvadi? Thiruvadi means holy feet – holy feet of the supreme lord. Thiruvadi Upadesha means guiding one or teaching one about the holy feet of the supreme lord. Thiruvadi Upadesha imparts the knowledge of the holy feet of the lord on our body and tells the means for self realization and god realization. This knowledge will be imparted by means of Sruthi (hearing), Yukthi (by analyzsis and thinking), Vaakiyaa (Reference to the holy scriptures by saints) and Anubava (experience).
Who are we? Are we this body and mind alone. When one dies all the physical body is there and we still call it as dead body. So what is that without which a body stops functioning and considered as dead. Something has left this body right. What is that! We call it Soul. Our saints and seers tells us we are the soul (Jeevatma). This soul is one which gives life to the body. So to answer the question “who are we“, we should know and realize our soul. This realization is called self-realization. Inorder to know and realize our soul first we should know “where is this soul located inside our body and what is it’s character.” If we know where it is then we can reach there isin’t? Let us do some analysis and use our limited intelligence and find out the probable place where it can be. We shall then verify our understanding with the sayings in the scripture.
As the first step we can conclude soul cannot be present in any place in our body without which we can still live. We see people living without hand, leg or other organs.Similarly soul cannot be inside any organs like heart as we see we have artificial mechanisms like pace maker and people can still live without them. So the only organ without which life cannot be present is our head? Isn’t? So soul should be present in our head. So this confirms the saying “Head is the most important part of our body”. Head is the only part of human body which has all the senses in it (taste, vision, hearing, sense of touch and smell).
Now in head we find so many organs and in which is the soul present? There are people who are deaf, dumb, blind and with mental illness which removes the possibility of soul being present in ears, mouth, eyes or brain. It can’t be in nose as well as we can breathe with our mouth. As we seen in the earlier paragraph soul should be present in head and
its location should be such that it can distribute energy to all the senses. Now imagine if you want to light a lamp and put in a room? Where do you put it? We will put it in the center of the room so that its light will be distributed to all the places equally. So we can come to the conclusion that the most probable place where soul can reside is the center
of our head.
Now let us check our assumptions with the teachings of saints. In siddhar song by Thirumoolar the following lines confirms our assumption “Below the top of the head and above the inner tongue, there is a ever glowing light which is always burning”.
Now the saint Thirumoolar has given us two ideas, one he has confirmed our assumption about the location of the soul and other thing he tells is that the soul has as its main characters heat and light. This characteristic of soul can be confirmed by our common sense also. All the body with soul (all living beings) has heat in their body but if you take a dead body it is chill and cold. This again confirms what Thirumoolar is telling us. In our human body one of the way soul is displaying itself is heat.
Now we know where the soul is residing, i.e the center of the head, but how to reach there? Is there any way to the residence of our soul? Only if we find a way to go there we can reach it and get to know about us.
Our saints and seers have told us that this soul or Jeevatma is tiny part of the supreme lord (Paramatma). They have also told that the supreme lord is of supreme divine light, a fact accepted by all the major religions. So soul which is the tiny part of jeevatma should also be of tiny divine light right. So way to reach this divine light is to find a place where there is light in our body. Now where is the light in our body or which organ has light in our body? It is our eyes, isn’t? So the divine light of our soul is displaying itself as divine lights in our eyes. So the way to our soul is by using the divine light of our eyes. As usual let us see what our saints and seers have told about eyes. Almost all the saints who have come to earth has told that the way to lord is through our eyes. We shall put some of the teachings of great saints about the importance of eyes and its divine light:
“God is present as light and if you walk in the light you will reach him” – Bible.
“Eyes were the lamp of our body. If your eyes were full of light then your whole part of body will be of light” – Jesus.
“Killer of Time is in my eyes, see it” – Saint ThiruNavukarasar.
Our Saint Vallalar in his ThiruVarutpa which has 6000 songs has mentioned about our eyes at innumerable place and tells clearly that the way to divinity is through the divine light of eyes.
“Oho My Eyes, Pupil of my eyes, Divine Light in the pupil of my eyes” – Saint Abhirami Pattar.
In KathaUpanishad the hero character Nachikaten asks the lord of death (called Yama) about our soul and lord. To this Yama answers “Lord is within every living human body in a place which is of the size of SinMudra in a form of smokeless divine flame.” Explanation to the phrase is given below:
Two things have to be noted here. One he is in human body and other he is in the form of smokeless divine flame.
Fine he is in our body. The flame that we see outside (in candle or any other form) has some sort of smoke (or residue) in it. But it is mentioned he is as smokeless flame(completely divine). This is also fine. This divine smokeless flame is our soul. (In Tamil this divine smokeless flame is called as Jyothi. I will be referring as jyothi here after in this book). Now it is told he is present in a place of the size of SinMudra. This is again a divine secret which is to be known through a guru. To be known through GuruUpadesha. With all the humbleness we are revealing it everyone for the sake of all. Now read carefully. In human body he is in the place of the size of SinMudra. It is not told to sit with this mudra (as told by some yoga teachers). When you do this SinMudra Posture your index finger should be bend and touch the middle line of the thumb. This is the SinMudra in DivineWisdom way (Nyana Valli). When you do this SinMudra and turn your hand and see it looks like our eyes. So it means god is showing himself or he is accessible through our eyes. Divine Light of our eyes is the holy feet of god. This is the ultimate Divine Secret.
The meaning of the divine word of Lord Krishna means “all attractive” and “full black”, the lord who is all attractive and is full black. The organ that is full black in our body is the pupil of our eyes and the lord in that place is the divine light displaying in the eye from our soul.
Krishna in Tamil means “Kannan” which implies Kan – our eyes and Kannan means he is the one displaying in our eyes. Getting consciousness on our eyes is the true meaning of Krishna consciousness.
In BhagavatPurana Krishna is said to reside in inner recess of heart, we have seen that without heart one can live, if this is so what does heart means. Heart in indian language is called Irudaya which when split becomes Iru + Udaya. Iru means two and Udaya means rise (sun rise and moon rise). Two rises in our body is our eyes only. Right Eye is called as Sun while left eye is called as Moon. So Krishna is present as divine light in our body. This divine light is the lotus feet of the supreme lord. So the only way to realize us and also the supreme lord is to cling the lotus feet of the lord which is our eyes –pupil of eyes- divine light of our eyes.
If we go to any temple after showing the holy flame before the deity we will touch the flame and keep it in our eyes. This indicates that lord is present as light in our eyes.
Shiva Linga when looked from top resembles our eye and this is the true meaning of Shiva Linga.
Our eyes were called by different coded words by our saints and seers for the purpose of making us to think and understand it. Our right eye is called as sun and our left eye is called as moon. Right eye is denoted by the first alphabet of Tamil Aa and left eye by the tamil letter vu. Number 8 denotes right eye and number 2 denotes left eye.
Now immediately the question comes to our mind is what about the blind people? They don’t have divine light in their eyes! Can’t they have self-realization? The biggest handicap one can have is not having his vision, not only that he cannot see the outside world, he cannot do penance as well on the lotus feet of lord. But under guidance of a guru and with extreme effort and penance even a blind person can have self and god realization. Our Sadguru ShivaSelvaraj has given Deekshai to one such blind person as well.
If our soul is part of the supreme lord why each one of the persons were having different characteristics and some enjoy happiness and some always have sorrow? It is because of the Karma one has committed in his previous births as well as in this birth. What is meant by karma. By our common sense we see that every action has equal and opposite reaction to it. You can imagine karma to be like that and beyond that we should seek the help of scriptures for any further understandings as the working of karma is beyond our understanding and intelligence.
When a soul takes birth it is given independence to decide whether to do good or bad and supreme lord doesn’t interfere in this. So when one does good thing it becomes good karma for him and when one does bad thing it becomes bad karma for him. We have taken so many births previous to this present birth and has done so many karmas. All this karma’s committed so for is called Sanchitha Karma. It is not possible for one to undergo all the sufferings or happiness in one birth , so the lord takes a part of good karma and part of bad karma and sends us in this world. This karma is called Praptha Karma. This is what horoscope tells us. Now in this birth whatever one does goes as Aagamiya Karma. Because of these karmas we see differences in one living being to other living being.
So what is the role of karma in self-realization? We have seen that soul is displaying itself as divine light in our eyes and because of which we get the power of vision. This divine light of soul is displaying or accessible in the center of the pupil in a small hole of the size of tip of the needle. This hole for a normal being is covered by karma as small layer in Astral. Only if we remove this layer we can go inside us using the holy feet of lord (divine light) and can get to soul and have self-realization. How to remove our karma? If we do any activity karma results, so how is it possible for one to remove karma. Is is possible for one not to do any activity by our body as well as with our mind?
Lord Krishna in Bhagavat Geetha tells “Do your duty and surrender at my lotus feet and karma will not affect you”. Now surrendering at the lotus feet of Krishna is always having our mind on the divine light of our eyes and catching the consciousness (Krishna consciousness) in our eyes. How do we get this Consciousness . Through a qualified SadGuru. Only the consciousness got through a sadguru in our eyes is the divine consciousness. Using the divine light of his eyes a sadguru gives us the consciousness in our eyes. This process is called Deekshai. By giving this divine consciousness in our eyes a sadguru is making us to born again and a person who has got deekshai is called Duvichan or twice born. By his divine light of his eyes a sadguru opens the lock in our eyes which is hiding our divinity.
This process of taking birth again without death is what told by Jesus in Bible as “One who doesnot born again will not enter the kingdom of god”. Sage Agastiyar in his song sings “One needs to find a way to born again”. Vallalar tells “Find a qualified teacher and by him have your lock in the middle of eye to be opened”. Without a qualified guru guiding one in his spiritual journey, self-realization or god realization is not possible. The following holy words attest the greatness of a qualified sadguru.
“Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devoo maheswara..” – Vedas.
“If one person doesnot humble himself at the lotus feet of guru, for them the supreme lord will always be elusive”
“Without guru any effort towards divinity will always fail”
In Bagavat Puruna and Bhagavat geetha it tells one should treat their spiritual guru as one equivalent to lord Krishna.
In Our epics the supreme lord in human form as Lord Rama and Lord Krishna went in search of guru and had qualified guru.
Lord first appeared as Guru Dakshinamoorthy and showed the way to Sanagathi saints.
Lord himself first came as guru and thought our saint vallalar.
Lord himself first came as guru and gave Deekshai to the saint Manichavasagar.
Lord Muruga came as guru and gave upadesha to Saint Arunagirinathar.
By this lord has clearly said that the way to reach him is by the guidance of qualified sadguru.
So to get consciousness and do penance we need a sadguru and then get Deekshai from him and become Duvichan. This is the first step.
When one starts doing penance all his previous karma’s will come to him and will be burnt by the divine light and his soul will become pure.
Once when a guru initiates one and if the student does penance and follow the words of the guru then sadguru sees that the Agamiya karma doesnot affect the student and he takes them with him. To a true student he also ensures all the sufferings that comes to one because of his past karma’s doenot affect him very much.
So who is a qualified Sadguru? Today we find so many people claiming themselves to be sadguru. Do not be deceived by them. What is the meaning of sadguru? Sath or Sad means truth. Guru means teacher. Who can teach other person? Only the one who has realized the truth himself right? So a sadguru is one who teaches one about the truth and shows the way and guides one to the truth. What is the truth. The only truth in our body is soul. So one who teaches a student the way to our soul in our body and guides in the way is the sadguru. A sadguru is not one who teaches yoga and advertises about the materialistic benefits. A Sadguru is not one who tells one not to hide the divine secrets to other. A sadguru is one who is full of compassion and love to all and only such a person can guide one towards lord. A sadguru himself will lead a very simple, noble and virtuous life. A sadguru teaches one to lead a virtuous and noble life. If someone tells
you that you can do anything and lead your life as per your wish and just taking deekshai alone you can attain divinity means he is a fraud.
Vallalar tells one how to do penance after taking deekshai. “Thinking & Thinking with Consciousness and with relaxed and calm mind and with full love and bathing with overflowing tears from the eyes and with open eyes”. Vallalar says this is the way of doing penance. Thinking of our eyes and thinking of the divine light in our eyes and with consciousness that is got in the eyes, with the mind fixed in the consciousness your mind will become calm and relaxed. When this calmness and relaxation increases, then compassion will blossom. Because of we fixing our mind on the divine light in the eye there will be increase in sensation in the eyes which result in tears overflowing. If we keep on continuing this penance as said, the divine light in our eyes will increase and melt all our karmas. Slowly it will spread throughout our body and will convert this physical destructible body to divine light body.
Our vallalar also tells “Any teaching/art which teaches one to do penance or meditation with closed eyes and teaches that the experience one gets by closed eyes
is the final one, should be buried down the earth”. So a sadguru will ask one to do penance without closing the eyes.
So by doing this penance we have our karma removed and we will get self-realization and get deathless body and we will always be in supreme bliss.
In the year of 1874 and in the tamil month of Thai and in the day which is of the star of PunarPuza, Vallalar called all his beloved people and told that he is going to enter in the holy room of Siddhi Vallagam and the supreme lord has shown himself to him. Do you know what is the teaching / Upadesha he did before entering and applying the divine
lock on the room?
Every human must know this upadesha which are the supreme words of knowledge, secret of divine wisdom and the guarantee that he has given to us. This words were told by vallalar when he had the physical body and divine light.
“I am here now and here after I will enter in the inner recess of everyone’s heart”. This words has to be sculpted by everyone in their mind.
So what did vallalar meant by these words.
Before applying divine lock and entering in the room in Siddhi vallagam he told that he is there now, which means he was present before every one. From now on means that after applying the divine lock he will enter in everyone’s heart, means that he will enter in every people’s heart which is pure and who live according to the teachings of vallalar.
Only for those person’s he will enter in their heart and will guide them. See how much compassion our vallalar has. He is infact ocean of mercy.
Deekshai is the way through which vallalar will enter inside one and will then guides them towards the divinity. As we have seen in order for one to get Deekshai one should never do the five great sin (Pancha Maa Paathagam) which are 1. Alcoholism or taking drugs 2. Killing which also means eating non-veg food 3. Stealing, 4.Lying and 5. Improper or Illegal Lust. Only if we do not have these habits’ will our penance be successful. A person who likes to get Deekshai should stop all these habits immediately if he has. A human is called human only when one lives like a human. If one commits any of the above sins then he is considered as animal living in the disguise of human. Only a virtuous and sincere person can reach the supreme lord.
Be a good human and true student to the guru and do penance. A true student is one,who just doesn’t sing praises of the guru, but has utmost respect and humbleness towards guru and follow his words by heart.
Vallalar in his poem sings the things that one should never do as
“Did I forget to give offerings to my Guru”
“Did I feel shy to fall in the lotus feet of guru”
This above tells indirectly how one should be before his guru.
Saint Avvayaar tells in his poems “The purpose of getting this human body is to find the lord within this”
Only for self-realization and to realize the supreme lord we have got the rarest of birth which is to born as the human.
Doing penance is the only way by which we can achieve our purpose of birth. Only by doing penance and showing others the way to the supreme lord, will our karmas be burnt and we can have self-realization and then realize the supreme lord.
So for the knowledge is imparted by means of reading, analysis and quoting of scriptures written by great saints and seers. But this is not complete and only the experience will give you completeness and realization. Just reading this article alone will not do any good if you donot put them in action.
So become human first and then come to Kanyakumari. Take bath in the convergence of three seas, worship at the lotus feet of divine virgin goddess in Kanyakumari temple and come to our guru and get Thiruvadi deekshai from him. Once you get Deekshai Our Gnana Sadguru Vallalar and Sadguru ShivaSelvaraj will be always with you and guide you.
Qualification for getting Deekshai:
1. Any one who is born as human and living as human get Deekshai.
2. One should never eat Non-Veg food which involves bringing sufferings to other creatures. Only pure vegetarian food has to be taken.
3. One should never take Alcohol, Durgs, Cigarettes or any thing that spoils our intelligence and bring unconsciousness.
4. One should never have illegal lust. For attaining the Lord other then their spouse every other people should be seen as brothers and sisters.
5. One should never worship demi-gods. One should never visit places where animal sacrifice takes place and one should never indulge in animal sacrifice.
Our guru has so for written around 26 books on Gnanam. Detailed Explanations were available in those books which were explained here only in brief.
Some books were published online in our site. You can read them in “books” and “articles” sections. Some books were translated and other were being translated. Other books we will publish soon. Write to us in case if you need more clarification.
ArutPerum Jyothi
ThaniPerum Karunai
ArutPerum Jyothi
ArutPerum Jyothi.

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