Arulmigu Shiva Shankara Jaya Kailasa Muneeswarar Peetham temple is managed by a non-profit organization registered with Registrar of Societies as Persatuan Penganut Sri Arulmigu Muneeswarar Alayam (Reg. No. 2393/96). The temple has been carrying out many religious and social activities to benefit the Hindu community residing around the vicinity.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Good or Bad experience in Life

In Life whether we name it as Fate or destiny or providence, these are not in control of anyone…whatever situation or experience we come across in Life whether we name it as So called Good or Bad experience has to be accepted AS IT IS and move forward in Life- by brooding over Bad experience or being ecstatic over Good Experience we generally get stuck, rather acceptance of whatever happens in LIFE by understanding, analyzing and realizing them, that nothing stays for permanent everything keeps changing and moving forward with those experience is the way towards proper living.
“Change is the only Truth in Life which keep’s changing”. If one loses a job or gets a good Job both are an experience which needs to be accepted AS IT IS and keep moving forward in Life. There is nothing permanent Good nor Bad, today’s good may turn tomorrow’s bad- E.g. - SUGAR- Essence of sugar is Sweetness, this remains same, but the use of sugar depends upon the person- healthy person enjoys, person with diabetic it kills. So is with EXPERIENCE- Good or Bad, it is an experience- acceptance of this AS IT IS-is the best way to move forward in Life. - Swami Preed

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