Arulmigu Shiva Shankara Jaya Kailasa Muneeswarar Peetham temple is managed by a non-profit organization registered with Registrar of Societies as Persatuan Penganut Sri Arulmigu Muneeswarar Alayam (Reg. No. 2393/96). The temple has been carrying out many religious and social activities to benefit the Hindu community residing around the vicinity.

Thursday, 4 July 2013


Ati Rudra Maha Yajnam is a very important form of worship of Lord Siva, the very source of cosmic energy for the entire creation. His Divine form encompasses and extends far beyond all known and unknown galaxies and universes. Lord Siva is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. He is the conqueror of Death and an embodiment of infinite mercy, compassion and love. We who owe our existence to the Divinity are duty bound to think of Him constantly and worship Him gratefully for the welfare of all mankind.

Lord Siva is worshipped traditionally in the form of Linga – resembling the replica of Brahmanda.

According to theVedic and scriptural lore there are four types of Rudram parayanas and homams that can be performed. Those are Rudram, Ekadasa Rudram, Maha Rudram and Ati Rudram – each being more potent than the preceding one. Of these, the most potent form of Ati Rudram involves 14641 Rudrams (Rudram is a combination of Namakam and Chamakam given in Rudradhyayam in the 5th Prapathakam of the 4th Kanda of Krishna Yajur Veda Samhita). Namaka recited once along with recital of Chamaka once constitutes one Rudram. Recital of 11 Namakas along with one Anuvaka of Chamaka at the end of each Namaka, thus completing one Chamaka constitutes Ekadasa Rudram. Recital of 11 Ekadasa Rudrams is Laghu Rudram or Rudraikadasini. Recital of 11 Laghu Rudrams is one Maha Rudram. Recital of 11 Maha Rudrams is one Ati Rudram. Therefore, in Ati Rudram 14641 Rudrams include 14641 Namakams and 1331 Chamakams. Rudra Homas are conducted by 121 homa kartas well versed in performing homa in 121 Homa Kundas erected for the purpose. 

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